Medicaid Planning

Understand the steps to applying for Medicaid before it becomes too late.

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Medicaid Planning Resources

Can Medicaid Take My Loved One’s Home After They Pass Away?

Sep 9, 2021

The Medicaid Estate Recovery Program tries to get back some or all of the financial assistance it gave your loved one when they entered...

How Do You Qualify for Medicaid?

Sep 7, 2021

Many elderly and disabled people will need Medicaid to help pay for their long-term care. Medicaid Planning Attorney Megan Jury explain...

You Can Own a House & Qualify for Medicaid

Jun 15, 2021

Most people cannot afford to pay a nursing home thousands of dollars a month. That’s why so many people turn to Medicaid for assi...

An Irrevocable Trust Can Protect Your Money

Mar 25, 2021

Older people and those living with a long-term illness face the need for nursing home care toward the end of their lives. Sadly, too ma...

2021 Colorado Medicaid Planning Download

Feb 19, 2021

Long-term care is expensive, so we created this 2021 Colorado Medicaid Planning download so you can determine whether you or your loved...

The Dark Side of Joint Wills

Oct 19, 2020

Just like a standard will, joint wills dictate what happens with your assets after your death. A lot of people may ask the question, is...

True or False: There is More Than One Power of Attorney

Oct 12, 2020

Whether you’re traveling or preparing for the unexpected, a power of attorney can protect you and your family. Do you know which ...

Hiding Assets from Medicaid? Just Don’t Do It.

Aug 7, 2020

Hiding assets from Medicaid may be tempting. After all, most people cannot afford between $8,000 and $10,000 a month out of their own p...

Can You Own a Ferrari & Qualify for Medicaid?

May 19, 2020

If you or your loved one has an expensive car, can you keep it and still get Medicaid to help pay for the nursing home? Elder law attor...

How to Pay Family Caregivers Without Delaying Medicaid Eligibility

May 13, 2020

Many people want to pay their family caregiver for their help. However, these payments can hinder future Medicaid eligibility if they&#...

How an Elder Law Attorney Can Help Your Family

May 11, 2020

Elder law is often confused for estate planning. That’s understandable since elder law and estate planning tend to be grouped int...

How to Afford the Nursing Home Without Selling Your House

Apr 30, 2020

Keep Your Home & Afford the Nursing Home It costs about $9,000 a month to receive care in a nursing home. Most people cannot afford...

How to Qualify for Medicaid Without Losing All Your Retirement

Apr 27, 2020

If your spouse or parent needs long-term care in a nursing home but they cannot afford the cost, he or she will need Medicaid to cover ...

Colorado Medicaid Planning Guide

Aug 22, 2018

Qualifying for Medicaid is no simple matter. Find out more about what’s involved and how advance planning can help.


Understanding Colorado Medical Power of Attorney

Aug 22, 2018

Every adult should have a medical power of attorney in place. Find out why.


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