Estate Planning & Elder Law Resources

What is Probate and What are Probate Assets?

Jul 9, 2024

When someone dies, it is not always clear to whom they intended to pass certain assets or property. That leaves the courts to account f...

Blended Families: Update Your Estate Plan

Nov 16, 2022

Blended families can face numerous challenges, but one issue you can certainly avoid is your estate distribution upon your death. Unfor...

How can I protect my children’s inheritance with an estate plan?

Nov 8, 2022

The process of getting a divorce can be rife with stress and painful emotions. However, it can also be a time for renewal and a fresh s...

Colorado Attorney Discusses Guardianship Versus Conservatorship in Colorado

Feb 16, 2022

Understanding the difference can help you when deciding what help your loved one needs. Our Colorado conservatorship and guardianship a...

What To Do if the Personal Representative is Not Doing Their Job

Sep 10, 2021

An estate’s personal representative has legal responsibilities to fulfill within a certain time frame. Robinson & Henry Proba...

What Happens When a Creditor Files a Claim on Your Loved One’s Estate

Sep 10, 2021

If your loved one has an open probate case, there is a chance a creditor could file a claim. Probate Attorney Tristan Younghaus explain...

Can Medicaid Take My Loved One’s Home After They Pass Away?

Sep 9, 2021

The Medicaid Estate Recovery Program tries to get back some or all of the financial assistance it gave your loved one when they entered...

How Do You Qualify for Medicaid?

Sep 7, 2021

Many elderly and disabled people will need Medicaid to help pay for their long-term care. Medicaid Planning Attorney Megan Jury explain...

How Britney Spears’ Conservatorship Battle Could Help Others

Jul 23, 2021

Conservatorship abuse is more common than you think. Conservatorships protect individuals who cannot make financial decisions for thems...

You Can Own a House & Qualify for Medicaid

Jun 15, 2021

Most people cannot afford to pay a nursing home thousands of dollars a month. That’s why so many people turn to Medicaid for assi...

Is an Electronic Will Right for You?

May 14, 2021

e-Wills Now Legally Recognized in Colorado In January 2021, the Colorado Legislature passed a bill giving an electronically created wil...

Avoid Putting an Adult Child on Your Bank Account

Apr 20, 2021

Many retired and elderly people put their adult children on their checking and savings accounts to help with paying bills and such. If ...

Estate Planning Questionnaire

Mar 29, 2021


An Irrevocable Trust Can Protect Your Money

Mar 25, 2021

Older people and those living with a long-term illness face the need for nursing home care toward the end of their lives. Sadly, too ma...

What to Know About Trusts & How to Protect Your Assets from a Nursing Home

Feb 17, 2021

Trusts are designed to protect your assets, but not all trusts are same. You can change some of them after you create them; others you ...

Protect Your Inheritance from an Unlawful Common Law Spouse

Dec 1, 2020

Since common law marriage is recognized in Colorado, it is important to take proper precautions. Estate Planning Attorney briefly expla...

True or False? It’s a Good Idea to Put Your Kids on Your House to Avoid Probate?

Nov 2, 2020

Many people think if they put their kids on their home, it’ll help them avoid probate. What they don’t know is that it̵...

The Dark Side of Joint Wills

Oct 19, 2020

Just like a standard will, joint wills dictate what happens with your assets after your death. A lot of people may ask the question, is...

What Happens to Your Timeshare When You Die?

Oct 12, 2020

Timeshares can be a headache when it comes to your estate planning. If not treated appropriately they can cause many time delays and ex...

Do You Need a Pour-Over Will with a Trust?

Oct 12, 2020

When someone dies, all of his or her property may not automatically go to their trust. Some of the assets may still have to go through ...

True or False: There is More Than One Power of Attorney

Oct 12, 2020

Whether you’re traveling or preparing for the unexpected, a power of attorney can protect you and your family. Do you know which ...

How Do You Handle a Reverse Mortgage in Your Estate Plan?

Oct 6, 2020

Reverse mortgages usually are not top of mind when people initially create their estate plan. Reverse mortgages tend to occur later in ...

Are Your Beneficiaries Liable for an Inherited Timeshare?

Aug 7, 2020

Timeshares can be great, but what if someone leaves you a timeshare in their will? Are you liable for an inherited timeshare and all th...

Hiding Assets from Medicaid? Just Don’t Do It.

Aug 7, 2020

Hiding assets from Medicaid may be tempting. After all, most people cannot afford between $8,000 and $10,000 a month out of their own p...

Answering Your Questions: Estate Planning & Elder Law

Jun 3, 2020

Each week, attorney Bill Henry hosts a live, online community event: Thursday Q&A: Estate Planning & Elder Law. If you’re...

Can You Own a Ferrari & Qualify for Medicaid?

May 19, 2020

If you or your loved one has an expensive car, can you keep it and still get Medicaid to help pay for the nursing home? Elder law attor...

How to Pay Family Caregivers Without Delaying Medicaid Eligibility

May 13, 2020

Many people want to pay their family caregiver for their help. However, these payments can hinder future Medicaid eligibility if they&#...

How an Elder Law Attorney Can Help Your Family

May 11, 2020

Elder law is often confused for estate planning. That’s understandable since elder law and estate planning tend to be grouped int...

True or False? A Last Will & Testament Covers End of Life Care

May 5, 2020

Do you know the difference between a living will and a last will and testament? These estate planning documents are often confused for ...

How to Afford the Nursing Home Without Selling Your House

Apr 30, 2020

Keep Your Home & Afford the Nursing Home It costs about $9,000 a month to receive care in a nursing home. Most people cannot afford...

The Caregiver’s Resource Guide

Feb 13, 2020

Learn How to Care for Your Loved One Without Compromising Your Financial Security Taking care of a loved on can be incredibly rewarding...

You’re Invited! Join Our Exclusive Facebook Group!

Feb 5, 2020

You’re invited to join our exclusive Facebook group! Join our private Facebook group ...

UTMA and Minors – Avoid Conservatorship and Guardianship

Oct 9, 2019

Subscribe to Our Estate Planning Videos!


Can I Change My Will in Colorado?

Oct 8, 2019

Subscribe to Our Estate Planning Videos!   Can I Change My Will? Colorado law presumes your Will is revocable and modifiable. What...

Colorado Pet Trusts

Oct 5, 2019

It may sound a little odd – Pet Trust – but many people create a trust for their pet. After all, who will care for your bel...

How Children in Blended Families Get Disinherited

Aug 3, 2019

If you’re married, you probably understand the need for a will to take care of your spouse and children if something happens to you. Un...

Contesting A Will In Colorado

Nov 2, 2018

In this article, our attorneys discuss how to contest a will in Colorado The death of a loved one, whether sudden or expected, can shat...

Colorado Medicaid Planning Guide

Aug 22, 2018

Qualifying for Medicaid is no simple matter. Find out more about what’s involved and how advance planning can help.


What’s a Will & Why Do You Need One in Colorado?

Aug 22, 2018

Every Colorado adult should have a will. Don’t let the state decide. 


Revocable Trusts

Aug 22, 2018

What is a revocable living trust and how might it benefit you.


Understanding Colorado Financial Power Of Attorney

Aug 22, 2018

Who will step in to make financial decisions for you if your become incapacitated or disabled? A financial power of attorney defines th...

Understanding Colorado Medical Power of Attorney

Aug 22, 2018

Every adult should have a medical power of attorney in place. Find out why.


Colorado Advanced Directives: Speaking For You When You Can’t Speak For Yourself

Aug 22, 2018

Every Colorado adult should have advanced directives.


Busted! 3 Myths About Probate in Colorado

Sep 6, 2017

Probate is the legal process through which an individual’s possessions and assets are distributed after death. The process is usually, ...

Q&A with our Lawyers: How Your Divorce Will Impact Your Colorado Estate Plan

Aug 3, 2017

Our divorce and estate planning attorneys discusses what to do with your Will after a divorce, happens if you don’t update your e...

Colorado Estate Planning if you Have Minor Children

Aug 3, 2017

Whether your days are spent wrangling toddlers, driving pre-teens to soccer practice and dance recitals or you just brought your first ...

Will or Trust in Colorado: What’s the right choice?

Aug 2, 2017

Wills and trusts are powerful tools within the estate planning arsenal. Deciding whether to go with a trust, will or both, depends on a...

Estate Planning & Elder Law Lawyers

Types of Estate Planning Cases

Death, disability and incapacitation aren’t fun to think about, but they are facts of life. To best avoid complications, it’s important to understand the things you can do in advance. For example, to ensure that your loved ones understand your wishes for healthcare if you can’t speak for yourself and for distribution of your assets after your death, put together an estate plan, including a will, powers of attorney, trusts and advance directives. Or, if you care for someone who might need to be in a nursing home—or if you know you’ll need to move there in the near future—you should already be exploring how Medicaid can help pay for the skyrocketing costs. And, if a loved one has recently died, you should understand what might happen regarding their estate during probate. For all of those things, guidance from a knowledgeable attorney can be priceless. Call Robinson & Henry today.

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