Marital Agreements

Prenups and postnups aren't just for celebrities - they can provide financial peace of mind for your marriage partnership.

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Marital Agreements Resources

Your Roadmap through the Family Law Appeals Process

Jul 31, 2023

Is there a feeling more nerve-wracking than the one you get waiting for a family court judge to issue a decision? After all, these ruli...

Why You and Your Partner Should Consider a Cohabitation Agreement

Jul 21, 2022

We all need love, but marriage isn’t for everyone. If you and a significant other are living together, have you thought about how you w...

Colorado Marital Agreements

Sep 9, 2021

When prepared correctly, marital agreements give peace of mind to a couple entering into exciting new chapters of their lives. But it&#...

What Are Post-Nuptial Agreements?

Sep 3, 2021

During the hustle and bustle that often accompanies an engagement, many couples fail to consider the legal ramifications of getting mar...

Same-Sex Common Law Marriages

Apr 1, 2021

The Colorado Supreme Court recently ruled that a same-sex common law marriage created before same-sex marriage was legal should be reco...

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