Drug Charges

We protect your rights when you're facing drug charges.

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Drug Defense Resources

Fentanyl Charges

Jun 15, 2022

Colorado legislators are hopeful that a new law targeting fentanyl dealers will help confront what has been characterized as a growing ...

Fight Drug Manufacturing Charges in Colorado

Jun 6, 2022

In recent years, Colorado has adopted a more rehabilitative approach toward people who commit drug-related offenses. However, that does...

Charged with Selling Drugs in Colorado

Apr 18, 2022

If you’re charged with selling drugs in Colorado, the penalties you’ll face if you’re convicted will be much more ser...

How to Defend Drug Possession Charges in Colorado

Apr 14, 2022

The consequences of a drug possession conviction can extend far beyond your final court date if you aren’t careful. This article ...

Your Guide to Fighting Colorado Drug Charges

Mar 21, 2022

It’s no secret that Colorado was a pioneer in decriminalizing, allowing, and regulating the use of recreational marijuana. However, the...

Colorado Drug Sniffing Dogs And Probable Cause

Jun 12, 2019

A recent Colorado Supreme Court decision means state and local law enforcement officers can’t use a drug sniffing dog that detects pot ...

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