Changes to Eviction Possession Hearings Create Problems for Landlords
Need Help to Evict a Bad Tenant?
The evictions process recently got more difficult for landlords. Tighter timelines for the eviction possession hearings mean landlords could face additional hearings.
Eviction Possession Hearings Create Tighter Timelines
In October 2021, several new laws changed the face of evictions for Colorado landlords. Eviction possession hearings are now required to take place within seven to 10 days from the time that the defendant files an answer to the eviction notice. However, this timeline is likely to be difficult for courts to meet given other important law changes, particularly with respect to the warranty of habitability.
Potentially More Trips to Court
Depending on the facts in your case, you may actually face another hearing before you ever get to the evidentiary hearing on the issue of possession. Given all these law changes, landlords are likely to see a little bit more difficulty in pursuing evictions at this time, without the assistance of an attorney.
New Rules Hindering Ability to Evict Bad Tenants?
If you’re a Colorado landlord who’s having a difficult time evicting a bad tenant due to the changes to the eviction possession hearings, reach out to our Evictions & Landlord Attorneys. This experienced team of attorneys stays apprised of changes to the law and can help you. Call 303-688-0944 to begin your case assessment.