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question iconI was involved with a scam on a Vehicle for sale over the internet, The price was 45K I was to wire 1/2 the funds up front then the owner was going to shipped the vehicle to me for my review, if I liked it I was to send the rest of the money. If I didn’t like it tell the driver to load it back up to return it and he’d send the money back. The amount I sent was 25K he was to call next day with shipping info, when he didn’t call I knew I was shamed. This took place 6-9-21, My local police has been working on it. My bank has closed the case after 3 weeks. The info I’ve received from police was this went to a B of A in Atlanta Money was transferred to a Chase Bank in FL then went to another finance place in FL that Millions of dollars has been going in and coming back out in Transfers . Now at First the Truck was suppose to be located in WA, and I’m in CA my bank is US Bank , I found out later the Banks are quite aware of wire fraud, so I don’t understand why they didn’t give me some kind of heads before I sent the funds? Regards Steve Touros 408-370-6324
answer icon

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Suing a bank for negligence or breach f contract in these circumstances can be expensive and difficult to prove, but not impossible. I would recommend reading our articles here: /qa/banks-obligations-wire-fraud/. If you would like to schedule a case assessment with a lawyer to discuss your options and understand the costs, you can schedule an assessment online 24/7 by going to go.oncehub.com/rhbooknow or calling us at 303-688-0944.

The foregoing information is general information only and should not be relied upon to take, or fail to take, legal action. No attorney-client relationship is formed by this information. __The only manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney.__
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Bill Henry
Criminal DefenseJul 27, 2021
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