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question iconWe moved into an apartment complex. When we signed the lease they said we were approved for 500 dollar gift card since we moved in so quickly after the unit was available. They put this in the lease. They told us that it could be up to 30 days before we got the card. Three weeks after signing the lease we get an email that there was a typo and that they need to redo one of the pages in the lease and we need to resign. Come to find out they are saying that now we do not qualify for the gift card. I contacted corporate and we have refused to sign the new lease as we feel this isn’t right. Corporate contacted me last week and said that they should never have asked us to resign a lease and that they would get the gift card to us this week. My question if the do not pro code the gift card per the lease signed 11/27/16 what course of action do we have?
answer icon

You are absolutely right not to sign the “revised” lease agreement.

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small picture of attorney bill henry
Bill Henry
Landlord-TenantJan 5, 2017
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