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Good Afternoon, I recently placed an 8×10 inch professionally made metal sign in my front yar.d. The sign reads: “This Area Has Been Treated With Pesticide. Please Keep All Pets Off The Grass. Thank You.” I was unable to ascertain who specifically was allowing their dog to pee on my lawn so that I could speak with them personally. The sign was my “neighborly” way of asking this person to refrain from allowing their dog to pee on my lawn because the dog’s urine was burning my grass and I had also decided to start applying some chemicals to my lawn each week after I mowed. The sign has been up for 30 days. It does not obstruct anyone’s line of sight or create any safety issues. Today I received a notice that I am in violation of our HOA covenants and that unless I remove the sign within three days, I will be fined $100/day. Our HOA covenants include restrictions and guidelines for political signs, but do not include any specifics regarding general signage other than they are prohibited. The message on my sign is not offensive in any way, so what am I missing? Why is my sign any different from the decorative message signs, sports team booster signs and security system warning signs that I see displayed on so many of my neighbors’ lawns? I would appreciate any guidance on this you are willing to provide to me.
Sep 22, 2020
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Bill HenryFounding Partner | 19 years of experience
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Bill HenryFounding Partner 19 years of experience

Based on your facts, it does not appear that your sign is in violation of the HOA rules. However, I recommend that you discuss the facts in more detail with one of our attorneys to more clearly understand your rights, remedies, and risks prior to moving forward. You can schedule a free case assessment 24/7 by calling 303-688-0944 or online at https://calendly.com/case-assessment/case-assessment. At your appointment, we’ll meet by phone or video (Zoom). We’ll discuss you concerns, desired results, rights, remedies, the law, the process, timeline, how we can help, costs, etc.

The response provided is based on the available information and is not intended to constitute a comprehensive answer to the inquiry. The only manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney. Please be advised that no communication, including Q&A postings, through this website establishes an attorney-client privilege, and such exchanges do not create an attorney-client relationship and will not be treated as confidential. The information presented is general information only and should not be relied upon to take, or fail to take, legal action.
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