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question iconI signed a non compete agreement as a nurse manager in a home health company. I have only worked there for 6 months and I took a job offer with a competetor. The reason I am changing is because I was utilized as a normal nurse rather than a manager. I spent over 70 percent of my time doing patient care. Few questions can they suw me? Can they make it so my new employer cannot hire me? Note I was given the agreement to sign and return prior to my first day of work and no one explained it to me.
answer icon

Can they sue you? Yes, anyone can sue anyone for anything…but will they spend the time, money, and effort to bring suit against you and if they do can they win? You likely have a good idea of the former employer’s temperament to draw a conclusion RE will he or she bring the suit. WRT can they win, your non-compete will need to be reviewed for the exact language contained in the agreement and the spirit of the entire document. So I cannot answer that question on this forum, but you can call our office to schedule an assessment where we can discuss the non-compete language, your risks, and your options.

The foregoing information is general information only and should not be relied upon to take, or fail to take, legal action. No attorney-client relationship is formed by this information. __The only manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney.__
small picture of attorney bill henry
Bill Henry
OtherDec 6, 2016
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