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question iconI was a victim of identity theft about 10 years ago. At that time a collection agency came after me. Once they investigated they also said it was identity theft. About 4 or 5 years later another collection agency came after me for the same claim, they too investigated and they too came away with identity theft. Today I checked my credit report and a new collection agency posted a late payment/collection notice on my account stating it was from November 2020. What rights do I have? I have filed a claim through the credit agency? Why does this keep happening every 4-5 years?
answer icon

Unfortunately identity theft can have a lasting impact on your credit. This will likely continue to happen as the debt is sold off from one agency to another. You can have a standing letter on file with the credit bureaus regarding the debt, but it won't do much with regard to the reporting aspect. You can always try to sue under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, but proving or disproving identity theft is somewhat difficult and expensive. One sure way to get this cleared entirely is to file a bankruptcy and then no one can report on the debt at any time in the future, however if that is the only issue it may not be worth going down that route. You can call and have a case assessment to discuss options!

The foregoing information is general information only and should not be relied upon to take, or fail to take, legal action. No attorney-client relationship is formed by this information. __The only manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney.__
small picture of attorney bill henry
Bill Henry
BankruptcyNov 11, 2020
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