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question iconI have an ex that refused to pay a bill or communicate with me. The attorney also would not respond and after several months of this I filed a motion of contempt based on her not communicating with me, refusing mediation and no communication on the bill. As soon as she was served with the citation, she paid the bill within an hour. I am being asked by them to now drop the motion. What is my best option here, since I believe dropping the motion will result in the same exact thing happening again the next time.
answer icon

Contempt cases are different depending on which type of sanctions you requested. Remedial sanctions are meant to fix the problem and thus can be cured by the offender coming into compliance with the court order. Punitive sanctions are meant to punish and cannot be cured by the offender coming into compliance. The most effective way to advise you as to your best course of action is to have you come in for a case assessment and discuss with an attorney the facts of your case.

The foregoing information is general information only and should not be relied upon to take, or fail to take, legal action. No attorney-client relationship is formed by this information. __The only manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney.__
small picture of attorney bill henry
Bill Henry
Family LawJul 16, 2019
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