Q&A: What can I do if my spouse refuses to let me see my kids as we go through the divorce? Colorado Family Law Attorney Marlana Caruso Answers

small picture of attorney bill henry
By: Bill Henry
PublishedMay 16, 2019
1 minute read

What can I do if my spouse refuses to let me see my kids as we go through the divorce?

What your options are if you have a spouse that is refusing you access to the children largely depends on where we’re at in the process when that bad behavior starts. If we’re early on in the process and you do not have any existing orders, unfortunately, we may have to wait a little while before we can get in front of the judge to get orders to correct the problem. If we already have orders with regards to what a parenting plan should be and your spouse is not following those orders, we have much more opportunity to enforce the particular orders with regards to the parenting plan.

Call us today at 303-688-0944 to schedule your case assessment with one of Robinson & Henry’s Divorce Attorneys.

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