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Women’s Recovery from Concussions

Aug 3, 2020
2’ read
Car Accidents
Bill Henry
Founding Partner | 18 years of experience
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Bill Henry
Founding Partner 18 years of experience

In additional to experiencing more severe concussion symptoms, women recover from concussions differently than men.

Questions About Your Concussion Recovery? 

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Symptoms Last Longer for Women

So women typically experience longer and more severe symptoms from a concussion than men do.

One study showed that women have symptoms two to four times as long as men.

Also women had neurocognitive impairments longer, and they also had more difficulty with remembering and concentrating.

Three Differences May Cause Linger Symptoms

Now, the next question of course is why? So there’s three possible reasons or a combination of these reasons.

ONE: Brain Differences

One reason is just pure anatomy. Men and women are different. So women have neuroanatomical differences than men. So just different brains. And we all know that, right.

So women have different nerve signals that just work differently than men do, which could lead to men having a quicker response and recovery than women.

TWO: Chemical Differences

Another reason may be chemical. So, after a brain injury the body produces anti-inflammatory markers. Typically, a male’s response peaks at 24 hours, whereas peak production of these anti-inflammatory markers for a woman could take up to a week.

THREE: Hormonal Differences

And the third possible reason is hormones. So, studies show that boys and girls typically have similar symptoms, severity, and responses to recovery from a concussion. However that changes at puberty, and it stays different until the age of menopause for women where men and women come back to having similar experiences with concussion and recovery from concussions.

Connect With Our Attorneys

Give us a call at 303-688-0944 to set up your case assessment. You can also schedule online here.