Insurance Claim Denials

Insurance Claim Denials

Plans for Contesting Legal Claim Denials

Jul 21, 2024

Homeowners insurance is crucial for protecting your home. However, denied claims after damaging events like hail storms can lead to une...

Insurers Prohibited from Using ‘Late Notice’ to Deny Homeowners’ Claims

Jun 14, 2024

Policyholders who missed their homeowner’s insurance company’s filing deadline for a claim may have another shot at coverage. On March ...

The Professional Liability Insurance Failures Leaving You Exposed

Jun 12, 2024

Accountants, realtors, architects, chiropractors, consultants – these professionals provide services that underpin our economy. Unfortu...

Is Your Insurance Company Spying on You in Bad Faith?

Jun 10, 2024

Would you believe me if I told you insurance companies are using drones, aircrafts, and other aerial objects to take photos that can be...

Recovering Lost Revenue When Construction Disrupts Your Business

Jun 4, 2024

Construction is undeniably crucial for maintaining and improving our infrastructure. From repairing roads to building affordable housin...

A Colorado Homeowner’s Guide To Natural Disaster-Caused Property Damage

May 27, 2024

Living in Colorado means facing potential threats from wildfires, floods, and severe storms. Research shows that the number of natural ...

Weather a Natural Disaster With the Right Home Insurance

May 10, 2024

No homeowner wants to imagine how a severe weather or climate-related event could wreak havoc on their property. But it’s difficult to ...

From Our Perspective: Church’s Journey Through Insurance Dispute

Apr 30, 2024

Robinson & Henry’s knowledgeable attorneys give their professional insight in “From Our Perspective” where we take a closer look at...

From Our Perspective: Overturned Denied Hail Damage Claim

Apr 24, 2024

Robinson & Henry’s knowledgeable attorneys give their professional insight in “From Our Perspective” where we take a closer look at...

Public Adjusters: What Are Matching Exclusions Within Insurance Policies?

Apr 22, 2024

Colorado is blessed with nearly 300 days of sunshine a year. Still, from April to September, residents and businesses in the state are ...

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