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Foreclosure Threat Unlocks Hefty Settlement

Sep 7, 2023
1’ read
Robinson & Henry
Law Firm | 34 years of experience
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Robinson & Henry
Law Firm 34 years of experience

Failure to collect a judgment from a lawsuit is a common problem.

Robinson & Henry represented a former business owner who had been trying to collect a $40,000 judgment for more than 10 years from the buyer of the business.

When the former business owner discovered the buyers had acquired real property, they retained Robinson & Henry to file foreclosure liens on it. R&H investigated the property and began the process to force a sheriff's sale of the buyer’s house to recover judgment debts. 

When the complaint was served, the situation changed. The debtor defendant was faced with the choice of resolving the lawsuit or having their house foreclosed. He opted to engage in discussions to reach a settlement.

R&H litigation attorneys obtained $133,000 for our client. This included the original judgments, accrued post-judgment interest, and attorney’s fees incurred during the investigation and lawsuit.