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Parent Gets Custody After Fighting International Abduction

Oct 15, 2021
1’ read
Family Law
Robinson & Henry
Law Firm | 35 years of experience
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Robinson & Henry
Law Firm 35 years of experience

Divorce can bring out the worst in people, especially when children are involved. Sometimes, a spouse may take a child without permission. These are serious cases for our Family Law Team. 

Our client faced this exact situation. His spouse had taken their child out of the country. For months, our client had no contact with his own child. After other law firms had declined to take his case, he contacted us.

Our Family Law team’s top goal was to get the child returned to our client. Seeing how the other parent kept the child away, the court gave our client full decision-making power and primary custody. 

The court also found the other parent had wrongfully retained possession of the child. We obtained orders needed to invoke the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Filing this petition helps to expedite the return of the abducted child.

Our team worked hard on this difficult case, and got the best possible outcome for our client.