I was in a tumultuous relationship for the past 8 yrs. I was engaged to him and recently discovered he had a child i was not aware of. he has a wife he hasnt seen in 10+ yrs and allegedly didnt follow through with his divorce in 2015. we are unaware if his wife filed for divorce in Michigan.. on 7/5/2019 he went to Illinois to get his daughter we agreed he would help with bills and were still together. we agreed he would take 1 vehicle in my name and after 6-12 mths he would refinance the vehicle into his name, but got a car in his name leaving the 16000 truck in my name, he has been making the car payment since 1/2019. he stated he would assist in paying a $6300 consolidation loan and $3300 lazik loan and he has refused to do anything he agreed to and had said he would send 250 a wk & hasnt followed through with that either. i have been maintaining loans since 2018, but i have 23,000 in debt acquired in my name together. I am researching my options
Jul 8, 2020
Family Law
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Bill HenryFounding Partner | 19 years of experience
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