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I work for a company and was asked by the CEO to backdate 2 business checks totaling about $280,000. The checks were written on January 4 but I was told to date them in the system for 12/30 as to reduce the companies tax liabilities for 2019. The checks aren’t even going to be mailed and the CEO said he was going to go to the bank and tell them that the checks were lost in the mail and then wire the payments to the vendor. I questioned the legality of this and was told to do my job and print the checks. Is this in any way legal?
Jan 5, 2020
Tax and IRS Problems
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Bill HenryFounding Partner | 18 years of experience
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Bill HenryFounding Partner 18 years of experience

There are many factors and unique things to consider in your question. We would need much more detail regarding the facts of your situation. If you are worried that you may have some sort of liability for following orders, I would suggest calling us and scheduling a free case assessment where we can privately obtain more information from you so that we can tailor our answer to your unique situation.

The response provided is based on the available information and is not intended to constitute a comprehensive answer to the inquiry. The only manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney. Please be advised that no communication, including Q&A postings, through this website establishes an attorney-client privilege, and such exchanges do not create an attorney-client relationship and will not be treated as confidential. The information presented is general information only and should not be relied upon to take, or fail to take, legal action.
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