Legal Guides

Legal Guides

How to File for Divorce in Colorado

Jul 29, 2024

Deciding to divorce is difficult, but going through the actual process can be even harder. Even if you’ve prepared yourself for the fin...

What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?

Jul 24, 2024

Navigating a child custody dispute is tough. The good news is the court’s main priority is your child’s well-being. You and...

Plans for Contesting Legal Claim Denials

Jul 21, 2024

Homeowners insurance is crucial for protecting your home. However, denied claims after damaging events like hail storms can lead to une...

Colorado Security Deposit Law: What Every Landlord Should Know

Jul 17, 2024

The facts and circumstances vary for each security deposit dispute. Know your rights.


Colorado Divorce and Pension Rights

Jul 3, 2024

Did you know that one of the most valuable assets in a divorce can be a retirement account? It’s true. If you or your spouse works for ...

Fight Insurance Bad Faith After a Colorado Hail Storm

May 6, 2024

Living in Colorado has its perks, but the high elevation comes with drawbacks, like severe hailstorms. The “mile high” alti...

Get Compensated for Colorado Boating Accident Injuries

Apr 24, 2024

Boating is a wonderful pastime, especially on Colorado’s waterways with all the breathtaking scenery. Unfortunately, a delightful day o...

What Is a Trade Secret?

Apr 24, 2024

Trade secrets can sometimes take a backseat to other forms of intellectual property. However, a company’s economic viability often hing...

The Must-Knows of Colorado Adoption

Apr 4, 2024

State adoption rules versus local court rules can complicate things. An attorney can provide insight and stability to an otherwise opaq...

Nine Ways Colorado Divorcees Make Their Lives Even Messier

Apr 2, 2024

Divorce can get messy. But, you should take your time, get the right attorney and make sure that you don’t complicate your life forever...

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